A Fragrance Better Than Perfume

I love Autumn! The weather starts to cool down. The crunchy leaves make the air smell so good! (But no. That’s not the fragrance I was referring to.) The colors of fall a beautiful and soft. And most importantly, when fall hits, Thanksgiving is just around the corner. It is a time for excitement as anticipation for Christmas builds but the rush hasn’t kicked in. Doesn’t it make you excited just thinking about it.

Sometimes it is easy to think of all the good in something. Sometimes it comes naturally. But sometimes it takes a little more work. I don’t naturally like summer. I could complain or just think about the heat, the crowded zoos and museums, the air conditioning bill, even summer evenings have their flaws (mosquitoes and its still too hot). Or I could focus on the good and enjoyable things about summer. It might take a moment, but I can always come up with something positive to say. The mornings when the sun isn’t quite as hot, it actually feels good to have the sun on your face. Swimming pools are open. The heat is a perfect excuse for smoothies. I am sure you could add some reasons of your own. Just making a list in my mind of what I like about something, even if I don’t much like it at all, improves my attitude about it. It doesn’t happen all at once. And doing it once doesn’t last. But I try to make a habit noticing when I start complaining and stopping to change my mental direction. I would much rather go through summer thinking about what I like about it than what I don’t like.

So, I challenge you to take a moment now and think of some things you often find irritating or mundane and find the fun in them. Maybe it’s doing the dishes or laundry. Rather than thinking about how messy it will be just moments after you are done cleaning, think about that fresh accomplishment feeling when you look at the empty counter or laundry basket. Think of that podcast you can finish while you work. It might make a small difference to you today, but those around you can notice the growing joy that comes from focusing on the good. The joy a happy worker is infectious and brightens the home. A cheerful attitude is a fragrance better than the finest perfume.

*A note of warning, don’t pick something you despise if you are out of practice. Pick something easy at first.

Author: ladylike